
Standing Orders

Standing Orders are the written rules of a local council. They are used to confirm a council's internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings.

Financial Regulations

These Financial Regulations govern the conduct of financial management by the Council and may only be amended or varied by resolution of the Council.

Code of Conduct

The model code of conduct for Parish and Town Councils. Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007.

Freedom of Information

Please follow the link to access a downloadable PDF of the 'Freedom of Information'

Transparency Code

Please follow the link to access a downloadable PDF of the 'Department for Communities Local Government - Transparency Code 2015'

Residents Parking Policy

St. Columb Major Town Council understands the difficulty in finding parking places within the town. To assist residents they are willing to set aside a limited number of spaces, please follow the link to download the PDF Permit form.


This procedure allows people to have a form of address to the Council if they feel they have a complaint, or have been unfairly treated in their dealings with the Council.

Bullying & Harrassment Statement

We treat everyone with courtesy and respect and ask the same in return. We ask that you treat your Councillors and Council Staff courteously without violence, abuse or harassment.